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There is an Apulia you don't know, made up of history, culture and flavors that arouse unique emotions: from Easter events to patronal festivals, from the paths of the soul to the flavors and aromas of gastronomy and wine excellence.


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Municipalities of the month

30 April 2021


The City of the Imperials

The City of Imperials   FRANCAVILLA FONTANA (br) lies at the centre of the Terra d'Otranto. It emerges amidst expanses of olive trees interspersed with more than seventy masserias, numerous trulli and dry-stone walls.   The origins of the town are lost in the meanders of history. Numerous testimonies attest to the presence of human settlements since the Neolithic, but the protagonists of the deepest past were the Messapi. One suggestion is that Francavilla rose on the ashes of the Roman Rudiae, home of the poet Quinto Ennio.   According to some scholars, the foundation of the town dates back to the year 866, when some soldiers following Emperor Ludovic II arrived here.   Popular tradition, on the other hand, dates the foundation to a miraculous event that took place on 14 September 1310: during a hunting trip by Prince Philip of Anjou, one of his men shot an arrow to hit a deer drinking at a spring, but the dart came back. An image of the Madonna and Child, the 'Madonna of the Fountain', was found on the spot, taken as the patron saint of the city, for which the prince had a church built.   Every year between 13 and 15 September, the community celebrates the Madonna della Fontana with impressive civil and religious festivities. Luminaries decorate the town's streets with lacework of light, bands take turns on the cassarmonica, and in the centre there is a riot of sweets and traditional games. {IMAGE_4}{IMAGE_7} In 1575, Francavilla was bought by the Imperiali family, of Genoese origin, who ruled for eight generations until 1782.   The Imperiali Castle has witnessed the town's history since 1450. Here are the ancient frescoes in the chapel of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the beautiful Sala del Camino and many other treasures. Francavilla Fontana is a town rich in history, art and culture. Its 17th-century palazzi, Baroque churches, large city gates, alleys and small squares in the historic centre are elements that characterise the town. Here, amidst evocative palaces and loggias, you can breathe in the scent of 'ricci' sugared almonds made from toasted almonds and the tasty poor man's cake 'la copeta'.   In the oldest part of the old town centre, you can admire the Basilica Pontificia Minore Maria Santissima del Rosario, with the highest dome in Salento, the Church of Santa Chiara, which houses the Statues of the Mysteries, and the Church of the Liguorini Fathers, known as the Chiesa d'Oro. One of the most important moments of city life is the Rites of Holy Week.   From Holy Wednesday to Good Friday are the most intense and participatory days: Wednesday with the dishes carried around by children who for centuries have been repeating "Cce ti piace lu piattu mia?", Thursday with the ancient pilgrimage of the Pappamusci, and Friday with the moving procession of the Mysteries followed by the 'Pappamusci cu li trai', who drag heavy crosses as a sign of devotion.   To visit Francavilla Fontana is to immerse oneself in centuries of history and relive the charm of rural culture.   To visit: Chiesa Matrice, Chiesa dei padri Liguorini, Chiesa di Santa Chiara, Chiesa di San Sebastiano, Chiesa del Carmine, Palazzo Argentina, Castello, Chiesa dell'Immacolata, Chiesa dello Spirito Santo, Palazzo Giannuzzi-Bottari-Carissimo.   Photos by: Sandro Rodia. Text by: Vincenzo Sardiello


20 May 2021


The ways of taste, between Tradition and Innovation

The ways of taste, between Tradition and Innovation   Sammichele di Bari stretches over a flat area inland from Bari.   The present town was founded by the Portuguese merchant Michele Vaaz in 1615, while in 1619 it was repopulated by families from neighbouring towns and renamed Casale San Michele.   The historical centre includes valuable cultural resources, such as the Caracciolo Castle, a 15th-century building purchased in 1609 by Michele Vaaz. In 1667, it changed its appearance from a small medieval fortification to a real farm until it passed to the Caracciolo family of Vietri in 1791, and in 1860 it assumed its Gothic-style elevation.   It currently houses the Museum of Rural Civilisation, founded in 1974 and named after Prof. Dino Bianco. The exhibits take visitors on a journey through time to discover the production cycles of wheat, oil, wine and ancient crafts.   Set in the old part of the historic centre is the Church of the Magdalene built between 1620 and 1632 on the site of a chapel that already existed in 1504. The façade dates back to the end of the 17th century and of value are the wall paintings, the stone high altar with a painted wooden postern, with the Madonna and Child in the centre.   An example of Neoclassical style, the Church Matrice is dedicated to the Madonna del Carmine, and was built between 1844 and 1870. Inside, the vaults are adorned with gilded stucco decorations and the apse features a fresco of the Madonna del Carmine with the four evangelists. {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1} The entrance to the old town is marked by the civic clock, built between 1876 and 1878.   Sammichele is known for the presence of Apotropaic masks made by master stonemasons on local stone, which stand out on the façades of some buildings to ward off evil spirits.   In this town with a strong vocation for food and wine tourism, a great resource among local specialities is the renowned 'zampina', a mixed meat sausage prepared, cooked and tasted in butcher shops, which attract numerous groups of patrons throughout the week.   The 'zampina' is linked to a large Sagra della Zampina, del bocconcino e del Buon Vino (Feast of the Zampina, of the morsel and of Good Wine), held every year on the last Saturday of September. Sammichele is also known for its ancient traditions linked to Carnival, with a cultural phenomenon that finds its roots in popular tradition: the so-called 'festini', dancing evenings with companies of masks, regulated according to an ancient discipline.   Finally, some of the festivals linked to popular tradition are characteristic: the Patronal Feast, which celebrates the apparition of the Archangel Michael on 8 May and is held on the second weekend of May, and the traditional Feast of Saint Roch, which is celebrated on 2 and 3 September and is held on the first weekend of the month.   This feast opens all the festivities of September in Sammichelino and the St Joseph's Bonfire on 19 March with the ritual event of the 'zippo di San Giuseppe' (St Joseph's zippo) with the collection of sweets and gifts to be offered to the saint and burnt in bonfires.   Place to visit: old town centre, Caracciolo Castle, Clock Arch, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Church of the Maddalena, 'Dino Bianco' Museum of Rural Civilisation.     Photo: Beppe Gasparro / Gaetano Armenio / Text: Iris. Soc. Coop.


30 April 2021


The Pasticciotto, where it all began

The Pasticciotto, where it all began     GALATINA (Le) is also referred to as the Umbeliculus of Salento because it is equidistant from the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic Sea.   Famous for its confectionery art, Galatinese cuisine owes its goodness to the simplicity of its ingredients and the wisdom of its preparation. It is established history that the origin of the artisanal production of Salento's best-known dessert, the 'pasticciotto', dates back to the ancient workshop of the Ascalone family, in 1745.   The succession of generations has ensured that the original recipe, handed down orally, has generated a confectionery tradition, giving rise to many other craft businesses with a specific product quality.   This has allowed Galatina to be referred to as the undisputed capital of the pasticciotto. The cake is composed of shortcrust pastry and custard that, through a special baking process, achieve a perfect balance. The oval shape has a typical upper roundness, suitably burnished by a baking process that leaves the shortcrust pastry compact and makes the cream's aroma soft and persistent.   Among the uniqueness of pastry production, mention should also be made of the African, also called apostles' fingers, which date back to the 18th century, and the P.A.T. certified ice cream mafalda, which owes its name to a street in Galatina. {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1} The experience of visiting Galatina, going through the old centre, fills the senses with beauty. The alternation of courtyard houses, the expression of a popular urban architecture, with the splendour of the dozens of historic and noble palaces, with their richly decorated portals, offers a path in which the gaze is lost in place and time. The architecture of the historical centre is complemented by the countless churches, among which the Minor Papal Basilica of St Catherine of Alexandria stands out for its absolute beauty.   It is one of the most distinguished monuments of Apulian Romanesque and Gothic art in Apulia. Its frescoes of the Giotto and Sienese school, dating from the late 14th and early 15th century, cover the entire wall surface. For the vastness of its pictorial cycles, the Galatinese basilica is second only to the basilica of St Francis of Assisi.   An explosion of dancing to the rhythm of the 'pizzica', perfumes and folklore accompany the celebrations of the Patron Saints Peter and Paul on 28, 29 and 30 June. Until the 1980s, the chapel of San Paolo was home to the tarantati, who for three days and nights alternated sleeping phases with moments of choreographed dancing to eradicate evil.   This rite, which has now disappeared, is revived in a folkloristic key with spontaneous patrols and traditional processions with colourful scenery.   St. Peter's Square, with the majesty of the façade of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, welcomes and bids farewell to guests, like a postcard from the world.   To visit: Basilica Pontificia minore of St. Catherine of Alexandria, the Chiesa Matrice of Saints Peter and Paul that preserves the stone on which St. Peter sat, the 18th-century Corte Vinella, Palazzo Tafuri- Mongiò with its rococo lines, Museo Civico Pietro Cavoti.     Photo by Alberto Russi, Gaetano Armenio


09 June 2022


The Gateway to Apulia

The Gateway to Apulia   Situated on a lush hillside, about 8 km from the sea, Chieuti is considered the 'Gateway to Apulia' and is surrounded by breathtaking views: the Gargano promontory, with a view of Lake Lesina, dominates the view to the east, while to the west there is a wide view of lower Molise, in particular Termoli and its port.   In the background, the Maiella mountain range looms overhead, and on mist-free days even the Gran Sasso massif is visible, providing evocative sunsets on summer afternoons. Closing the frame of the marvellous panorama is the presence of the Tremiti Islands, which face the coastline of Marina di Chieuti in a crystal-clear sea that has repeatedly been awarded coveted accolades, such as the Bandiera Blu (Blue Flag) and the four Legambiente sails, and that stretches along a sandy coastline with crystal-clear waters, with the Tremiti Islands and the Gargano forming the backdrop to a breathtaking landscape. {IMAGE_4}{IMAGE_7} After being destroyed by the Goths in 495 A.D., between 1460 and 1470 an Albanian community settled permanently in the territory, having arrived in the retinue of the leader Giorgio Castriota Skanderbeg.   Of these origins, Chieuti still preserves evidence today thanks to the presence of the Arbereshe language, still spoken among the population. In recent years, the community has been working to safeguard and valorise this heritage, through demonstrations and events, with songs in the language and typical clothing.   THE FEAST   Characteristic of Chieuti is undoubtedly the festivity in honour of its patron saint, San Giorgio Martire, with the Carrese of 22 April, a singular race with four wooden carts, each pulled by a pair of oxen, which, with the help of horses, cover a distance of around 4 km that leads them from the countryside to the church located in the town centre.   The prize for the winning wagon will be to carry the simulacrum of the saint on its shoulders during the procession on 23 April, wearing a red headdress with a bow in the colour of its district. On this occasion, the Tarallo, a form of cabbage paste weighing around 80 kg, is also paraded, which after being blessed is divided and distributed to the entire population.    To visit: the Museum of Arbereshe Culture and Identity, plus the Museum of Chieutin Migration, and the Catholic Church of St George Martyr, built in the 17th century in honour of Skanderbeg. The church houses a canvas depicting St George and the dragon, attributable to master Alessio D'Elia, dated around 1740. In the sacred building, the St. George and the Dragon is accompanied by a canvas depicting Our Lady of Mount Carmel giving the scapular to the souls in purgatory, also attributable to the work of D'Elia, and an artefact depicting the Madonna and Child, attributable to the work of Paolo Saverio di Zinno (1718-1781), a Molise sculptor very active in Capitanata.   Photos by: Gaetano Armenio and Pasquale Aurelio


30 April 2021


The Village of Lovers

The Lovers' Village   A village with an ancient heart, VICO DEL GARGANO (Fg) stands in a privileged position in the Sun Mountain (ancient name for the Gargano), on a rocky promontory between the sea, with San Menaio and Calenella, and the Umbra Forest.   It is one of the nine Apulian municipalities that bear the mark 'The most beautiful villages in italy'. Its fine hilly air tempers the summer heat and softens the winter cold. It is an ancient town built on prehistoric settlements, in fact it owes its name to the Schiavoni called by Otto I around 900 AD.   Vico del Gargano enchants visitors with its historic centre, built on the three main nuclei of Civita, Terra and Casale. Its past is dense with prehistoric evidence (the necropolises of Monte Tabor and Monte Pucci are of considerable interest).   The Norman-Swabian period marked the development of Vico del Gargano. Evidence of that era is the Castle, probably built by Frederick II of Swabia's men around 1240, and the town walls that also include watchtowers and several small churches. The old town centre consists of narrow streets, old 'a pujedd' houses (terraced houses with an external staircase, with living quarters on the upper floor and a space underneath used as a stable or store), the remains of walls and towers.    The 'Trappeto Maratea', an old mill for pressing olives that preserves a wooden press dating back to 1317, is worth a special visit. Palazzo Della Bella, a curious early 20th-century building inspired by the 14th-century model of the Florentine Palazzo Vecchio, completes the walk through Vico's historic centre. {IMAGE_6}{IMAGE_2} Just outside the town is the suggestive Convent of the Capuchins with a centuries-old holm oak (17 metres high by 5 metres in diameter) and, inside, a miraculous Crucifix as well as paintings by Vaccaro and Borghese. The Convent of Santa Maria Pura, also outside the town, is a monumental complex of great value that is believed to rest on much older structures, perhaps the Temple of Chalcis.   During the Easter period, the processional events of Vichese Holy Week are one of the most eagerly awaited moments in Vico del Gargano, where five ancient Confraternities have been guarding a heritage of rites, chants and traditions since time immemorial, which finds its most authentic manifestation in those days.   On 14 February, Lovers' Day, Saint Valentine has been celebrated since 1618, acclaimed Patron Saint of the town and its orange groves (Igp). The Saint's relics are kept in the Collegiate Church of the Assumption and are carried in procession through the streets of the town.   On that day, lovers from the surrounding area taste the juice from the blessed oranges as a propitious love potion and exchange sweet effusions in the Kissing Alley, a narrow street in the old town only 50 centimetres wide.   A few kilometres from Vico del Gargano, one descends to the splendid seascape of San Menaio, a small fishing village, which with its vegetation rich in pine and orange groves and its well-equipped beaches is a destination for summer holidaymakers.   Places to visit: Old Town, Castle, Church Matrice, Church of the Misericordia, Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli and the Church of San Pietro, the Umbrian Forest, San Menaio.       Photos by: Pasquale D'Apolito / Gaetano Armenio / Text by: Francesco Paolo Saggese    

The events

Buy the products of Authentic Apulia

the Producers 

30 April 2021

Mastrototaro Food

"From field to table' for Mastrototaro Food is not an abstract concept but a real promise the company makes to the consumer.     We are in BISCEGLIE (Bat), a flourishing land lapped by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. It is precisely between the land and the sea that the preserves of Mastrototaro Food are born, products that symbolise the authenticity of Apulia and the genuine flavour of tradition.     The company has a long entrepreneurial history behind it, which began in 1956 and runs in the agricultural sector.     In 2008, Mastrototaro Food decided to further enhance the raw materials produced on the company's land by transforming them into excellent agro-food preserves. Three decades of expertise in the sector did the rest.     Today it is the three brothers, Mauro, Giulio and Roberto, who with skill and ingenuity run the company, which is certified organic and one of the few in Italy to organise production from scratch. The cicerone of our journey through the delicacies of the Mastrototaro brand is Mauro, who, amidst vast expanses of olive groves and vast fields of cultivated land, tells us about the great effort made to offer the consumer a product in which quality is the undisputed queen.     The cultivation of vegetables according to the ancestral customs of our ancestors and love for nature are the winning elements of the company, which harvests the raw materials by hand and transforms them into preserves in just a few hours.     This makes it possible to preserve the organoleptic qualities of the vegetables, which unleash their goodness and taste delicious just by looking at them. Aubergines, artichokes, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, olives and courgettes are the raw materials that go well with the extra virgin olive oil produced by the company.     Looking at the farm shop, we seem to be looking at a slightly larger version of grandma's classic larder. A triumph of colours is what presents itself to our eyes as visitors, where we gaze in amazement at the different nuances of the jarred vegetables.     With pride, Mauro explains the company's precise philosophy: to recover the ancient recipes for preserves in order to make them known beyond the borders of Apulia. And so we discover the 'Pric 'o prac', an ancient Molfettese sauce, now impossible to find, made from peppers and tomatoes, or the biscegliese antipasto with artichokes, champignon mushrooms, peppers and olives.     We cannot fail to mention the exquisite artichokes available in several versions. Grilled, stemmed, 'della mamma' or 'pugliese' style: all are exceptional with their tender heart dipped in the golden yellow of extra virgin olive oil. Tradition yes, but also innovation, like the refined lentil and sun-dried tomato mousse that combines the nutritional properties of the legume with the lively flavour of sun-dried tomatoes.      Mastrototaro Food's list of products is a long one. Mauro explains that a company like his, which puts the consumer before turnover, is the result of great teamwork. A team that wins because it plays well in the field. That field that Mastrototaro Food brings in jars directly to our.    

Oil mill

05 June 2023

Oil mill Paparella

LÓLIO Fruity succeeds in convincing all palates. On tasting, the oil offers a fragrant and complete bouquet, with a light and balanced character, characterized by a low acidity content. In the shadow of centuries-old olive trees and in the heart of the Tavoliere di Puglia, Frantoio Paparella was founded in 1891 in Barletta (bat). A place where roots and traditions are virtuously intertwined with innovation in transformation processes and the careful selection of the best fruits. The Oil Mill is currently equipped with 5 extraction and processing lines that allow it to reach a production capacity of about 200,000 tons of olives per season. Investments for the improvement of quality and quantity of extraction are constant and result in the implementation of new machinery from year to year. Great attention is paid to all stages of production, from olive harvesting to oil storage; during these processes the olive is selected and followed until it is transformed into a product of absolute excellence, under the careful supervision of the owners and numerous panel tests held by professional tasters. {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1} The extra virgin olive oil milled by Frantoio Paparella is cold-pressed by mechanical and highly innovative methods at a temperature never exceeding 27°C, from Italian olives grown in Puglia. The olives are processed directly at the mill within a maximum of 12 hours after harvesting thus preserving all the chemical and physical characteristics of the oil and avoiding oxidation. Now in its 130th year, Frantoio Paparella looks to the future with the confidence of those who believe that quality is the only choice for a better and more sustainable future. To date, the main production waste i.e. pomace and pomace stones are used to feed part of the production cycle. The Oil Mill adopts the circular economy approach and is committed to achieving production with 0 environmental impact in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. The extra virgin olive oil "LÓLIO Intenso Monocultivar Coratina" is the essence of Apulian tradition, flavors and lifestyle. Derived from the careful selection of the best olives of the typical Apulian cultivar called "Coratina". "LÓLIO Intenso - Monocultivar Coratina" presents itself to the observer with a true green color, like the olives from which it is extracted. On the palate it shows character and elegance, giving and intense and fruity notes for a strong and spicy aftertaste. The bitterish taste of extra virgin olive oil extracted from the "Coratina" cultivar is indicative of the very high concentration of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants and inflammatory agents. The extra virgin olive oil "LÓLIO Fruttato" is a magical harmony of flavors and scents of Puglia. Derived from a wise selection of Apulian cultivars such as Peranzana, Coratina, Ogliarola and Leccino, LÓLIO Fruttato has a vibrant green color enhanced by bright yellow highlights.  

Tarallo factory

30 April 2021

Puglia Sapori

If we had to choose a shape for Puglia, it would be the classic and curvy roundness of the tarallo. Symbol of our oldest culinary traditions, with a history that spans centuries, the tarallo is the foundation of the Puglia Sapori company.     We are in CONVERSANO (BA), an architectural jewel with one of the most beautiful historic centres in the region. Founded in the nineties, the family-run company Puglia Sapori took its first steps in the local pastry sector, and then in 2000 began producing tasty savoury snacks.     Our guide is Roberto Renna, operations manager of the company, which stands alongside other companies halfway between the city and the open countryside, as if to convey a direct link with nature and its goodness. The skill with which Puglia Sapori combines the taste of its snacks with respect for tradition has become their trademark.     The ingredients to make tarallini are few, but of high quality, perfectly representing an entrepreneurial philosophy that has always wanted to keep the homemade version of baked goods alive. A company that has adapted its production to the original recipe and that, in addition to excellent raw materials, respects the preparation from start to finish.     It is no coincidence that Puglia Sapori is one of the few companies that still boils the tarallo, just as it was done in the homes and bakeries of yesteryear. As Roberto explains, this is a fundamental step that preserves the fragrance and consistency of the product, even though it makes the process take longer.   {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1}   The continuous search for the perfect sensory experience, combined with the typical crunchiness of the tarallo, has lead Puglia Sapori to produce a wide range of truly delicious specialities. The Classic Line offers, just to name a few, taralli with fennel seeds, simple with extra virgin olive oil, multigrain, with chilli pepper, pizza flavour, onion flavour, and a Multipack version, so you always have a fresh bag available.     One of the central themes of Puglia Sapori products is attention to health. This is why the brand has invested in continued research and development, and has accompanied the Classic line with Gluten free and Organic options as well. There is something for everyone in the Organic line. You can choose between multigrain tarallini (tasty but also light), spelt tarallini, and specialities with Senatore Cappelli durum wheat, all prepared with extra virgin olive oil and yeast-free.     “Just as good without” is the motto of the Gluten-free line, which has its own dedicated factory and a recipe developed in collaboration with the University of Bari. The goal was to find the right mix of gluten-free flours that would leave the taste of the classic tarallo unaltered.     We are pleased to say that Puglia Sapori has succeeded, offering their consumers options with buckwheat, quinoa flour, wholegrain, or legumes.     Tasty and enjoyable, for a delicious snack that tastes like Puglia from the very first bite.       

Liquor factory

30 April 2021


It was the beginning of the 1960s when Vittorio Fiume made his first experiments with liqueurs and almond milk in a small artisan laboratory.   Animated by his passion for Puglia, at the time he was probably unaware that those artisanal attempts of his would have transformed over time into an Apulian brand known throughout the world. The history of the Fiume brand is a story that speaks of love.   Love for Puglia, for herbs, spices and infusions. Located in the industrial area of Putignano, a town famous for its ancient Carnival, the Fiume plant today produces highly appreciated drinks in the liqueur and non-alcoholic sector.   The Fiume brand liqueurs communicate the link with the territory, starting with the raw materials. As Caterina Fiume, Vittorio's daughter and brand research and development manager, explains to us, one of the first liqueurs to bear her father's signature is the "Elisir dei Trulli", whose name evokes a miraculous potion and amazes with the enveloping flavor of the alcoholic and aromatic notes.   Chocolate, rum, hazelnut and coffee are some of the scents of the Elisir dei Trulli, which offer the consumer a sensory journey that delights the palate with warm and intense flavours. The "Amaro Pugliese", famous contemporary of Elisir dei Trulli, is famous because it conveys Apulian character not only in the name but also in the choice of raw materials.   And so in the Officinal Teriaca of Amaro Pugliese we discover mint, fennel, sage, artichoke, citrus fruits and so on. All raw materials from the area, transformed to create a amaro that speaks of customs and collective memory.   While she tells us about Amaro Pugliese, Caterina takes out a small box with some of the herbs used. And so, next to the mint, a native herbaceous plant, we notice the China Succirubra which instead comes from Ecuador, the Rhubarb, typical of China and the Quassio of Jamaica. And it's incredible how a single liqueur can contain entire portions of the world while remaining tied to tradition.   {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1}   Tradition that is also expressed in the "Limoncello", produced according to the ancient recipe of Caterina's grandmother and which seals a little secret handed down from generation to generation. Remaining on the side of alcoholic beverages, "Amarum" is another Fiume brand creation that mixes territoriality and international influences.   In Amarum, Jamaican rum sublimates the infusion of local spices and nuts. A amaro so precious as to be recognized at the SIAL in Paris in 2008 as one of the 100 most innovative products, and awarded at the 2020 Rome Bar Show for being able to make the most of the excellence of the territory.   For those who don't like alcohol, there is a decidedly tasty alternative. It is the "Almond Milk", born as a syrup, now also in the delicious ready-to-drink version, Mandorlè, and which is produced by extraction using only and exclusively sweet Apulian almonds.   Yet another trait of attachment to its origins of a brand that, with one foot in Puglia and one in the world, takes its drinks beyond national borders.    


30 April 2021

Pandora Cellars

In the heart of Brindisi, a thriving land rich in millennia-old archaeological wonders, the Cantine Pandora winery was born.       Officially, the history of the business begins in 2017, but that of its founder has somewhat more remote origins. The owner, Francesco Fumarulo, owes his fortune to the land and his work as a farmer. With pride and transportation, Francesco explains that his passion for winemaking began as a child, and then over the years became a real profession culminating in the creation of Cantine Pandora.       The establishment stands in the midst of nature, among majestic olive trees, grazing animals, long rows of grapes and vast expanses of fields. Cradled by the healthy, placid air of Brindisi, Cantine Pandora's grapes turned into excellent red, white and rosé wine are almost all from Salento.       Francesco's willingness to contribute to the growth of his area is attested to by a very specific choice: to use largely native vines of Primitivo, Negramaro, Malvasia Nera and Malvasia Bianca grown according to organic standards.       With incredible respect for tradition and the aid of modern winemaking technology, Cantine Pandora is now a successful winery. The bottles are a small masterpiece that encapsulate the hard work, the love of the land, the work in the vineyard and in the cellar and, not surprisingly, they can all bear the IGP label.   {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1}   As the legend about the ancient Pandora's Box tells us, uncorking a bottle from this winery is tantamount to discovering all the good and beautiful of the land of origin.  Wine, otherwise also known as "nectar of the gods," for Cantine Pandora has an actual connection with divinity, to the point of deserving names that recall mythology.       To one of the "kings" of Salento, Primitivo, is dedicated Zeus, appellation of the highest Olympian deity. Zeus is a purplish-colored red produced from hand-picked grapes in the area's ancient vines, soft and enveloping with hints of red fruit.       Negramaro and Malvasia are the vines from which the grapes of Prometeo come, another red wine made from historic vines bred to trees that give the wine a delicate, broad, intense and pleasantly dry and full-bodied flavor. Then we find Ermes, Negramaro del Salento vinified in purity with the traditional method, tannic and structured to the right point. To Athena and Aphrodite are dedicated two of the rosés, both obtained from Negroamaro grapes and with intense fruity and very balanced scents. Among the whites we find Gea, a Malvasia Bianca del Salento wine with a refined, structured and persistent character or the charming Era, created from Chardonnay grapes that stands out for its golden hues and fine, dry but harmonious flavor.       Cantine Pandora's flagship product is the red '71 IGT, aged 6 months in French oak barrels. Strong, generous and intense are its aromas, so reminiscent of dried figs, which in this wine produced from Primitivo vines give it an original and strong-willed character.       Wines that fascinate the consumer for their overpowering and vigorous content, just like the territory from which they come.    

Liquor factory

30 April 2021

Antichi Elixir

In the pretty town of Molfetta by the sea, ANTICHI ELIXIR is born, an imaginative artisan liqueur maker that makes authenticity its trademark. The company recounts the territory through quality liqueurs and bitters that encapsulate the most sincere expression of our ancestors' traditions, combining scrupulous production at every stage.     Welcoming us into the laboratory is Alessio Picca, a young entrepreneur who in 2007 decided to combine solid experience in the sector with a love for his land and the genuineness of its fruits. Crossing the threshold, we observe a riot of elegant bottles containing liqueurs in the amber colours typical of quinces, the red nuances of pomegranate or the intense, almost black, purple of wild black mulberry.     They are almost like ampoules containing elixirs with beneficial properties prepared with exclusive recipes, the result of continuous experiments that give the final product a strong personalisation. The raw materials are fundamental to producing quality liqueurs and bitters, processed as they used to be.     Alessio explains in great detail, and with infinite gratitude, the immense heritage of recipes left by his grandmothers, recipes that today allow Antichi Elixir to carry on a family history. The fruits used are all local and their harvest is seasonal, thus conditioned by spring temperatures, synonymous with an uncommon respect for nature's cycles.     Prepared on the basis of Alessio's grandmother's homemade version, 'Cydò' is one of Antichi Elixir's must-have liqueurs. It is composed only of quince juice and good-tasting alcohol, with an alcohol content of 45°. The quinces are harvested and processed strictly by hand during the spring, when the fruit is at the peak of its ripeness and releases all the goodness of its nectar. A long ageing period of about two years sublimates 'Cydò' with elegant, decisive and at the same time soft notes.     "109" is the number of almonds in the artisanal elixir, which, not by chance, is called 109 Almonds. Also derived from a historical recipe, this bitter is a true treasure of our land. The alcoholic infusion is made with Toritto almonds of the 'Filippo Cea' variety, a Slow Food presidium and rich in antioxidant properties. The touch of class of 109 Almonids given by the addition of gentian roots, plants, flowers, citrus peels and local spices mixed together, resulting in a perfect and intense alchemy of smells and flavours.     The bitter distinguished itself at the Spirits Selection world competition in Brussels, challenging over a thousand companies from all over the world and receiving a coveted silver medal. Ruby is the colour of 'Ako', a pomegranate liqueur with a sweet and slightly astringent taste, bottled in a sinuous, diamond-shaped container that makes its seductive tones stand out.     Those of Antichi Elixir are liqueurs and bitters that are the fruit of stainless stories and traditions that defy the passing of the years. Elixirs of long life that delight the palate, pamper the spirit and speak of a wonderful land: Apulia.  

Fireworks producer

30 April 2021

Chiarappa Fireworks

In 1940 PIROTECNICA CHIARAPPA, an Apulian company known worldwide for the scenic beauty of its fireworks displays, was founded in San Severo (fg). Eighty years in business and four generations of entrepreneurs skilled in the art of light and fireworks displays make PIROTECNICA CHIARAPPA a benchmark in the fireworks display industry.   The company produces all kinds of pyrotechnics in full compliance with the safety standards dictated by the European Union and tests products following the guidelines of accredited institutes. The incredible craft of fireworks preparation is carefully and passionately handed down from father to son and has evolved to the point where it offers the public incredible and breathtaking fireworks shows.   Pirotecnica Chiarappa has lit up the skies all over Italy, bringing Apulian mastery to Europe as well, such as the numerous participations in Germany, Croatia, France, and Austria, winning numerous contests and receiving many awards and recognitions.   Separate mention deserves the participation of Pirotecnica Chiarappa in the opening party of Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture. The consequentiality of the images that suddenly appear high in the sky and that mix designs of luminous fountains, streamers that descend slowly, stars that burst dividing into many other little stars and so on, are all games that are not random but studied at the desk by real experts who know the secrets of pyrotechnics and who know well the effects of a certain path and how to achieve it.   {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1} The study is not superficial but very detailed and thorough. Like a director, Nicola Chiarappa, the last of the lineage, has to foresee times, causes and effects so that a performance can be executed planned in every detail. Not only tradition but also and above all innovation.   Chiarappa Pyrotechnics offers classic "ground" shows and radio-controlled displays, with remote programming and computerized start-up. Shades of color are obtained by calibrating and mixing various types of chemicals until the desired result is achieved.   It is a job that requires meticulous care of the products handled to ensure that each shade and nuance is exactly as requested by the client. As in all craft businesses, there is a meticulous method of preparation to achieve the desired colors and results: the "recipe" jealously guarded, has been handed down from father to son for decades.   Thanks to the family's creativity, experience and desire to take the spread of the art of pyrotechnics ever higher, Pirotecnica Chiarappa has opened a store dedicated to the marketing of products for all kinds of parties.   Between fireworks, streamers and gadgets, Pirotecnica Chiarappa makes incredible shows and performances that will make you daydream. Today Nicola Chiarappa holds the reins of the company to propel it into an increasingly promising future.    


30 April 2021

Le Grotte Cellars

Immense marble quarries surround the vineyards of CANTINE LE GROTTE, a winery in Apricena (fg).     The small village, located close to the Gargano, is famous for the quality of its stone and its excellent wine, and is appreciated for its fertile soil and pleasant climate. At the winery we breathe the scent of centuries, of the history that has made this area important and of the tradition that survives and makes its way through progress.     Guiding us on this journey between stone and wine is Biagio Cruciani, the winery's sales manager, who tells us about a strongly identity-driven enterprise whose birth is inextricably linked to that of the town. Apricena is "attached" to the history of its stone, and that of Cantine Le Grotte embraces the local marble tradition.     It is in the Dell'Erba family quarries that the vineyards from which the wine is produced are planted. The family's marble-making tradition is also imprinted on the company logo: a large block of stone split by a vine, two elements of nature that coexist with each other.     It is from the living rock, from the fertile earth, that the story of Cantine Le Grotte's plant was born, immersed in nature and surrounded by greenery. It is a palette of colors that is presented to our eyes. The white of the nearby stone quarries allows the green of the landscape to triumph with its immense seasonal hues, while the blue of the sky divides the green of the sea from Lake Lesina and the Tremiti Islands in the background.     The vineyards are located in the foothills of the Gargano and are rooted in mineral-rich limestone soils, the same soils in which the best Apricena stone is grown. The winery produces excellent native red wines such as Nero di Troia and Primitivo along with international varietals such as Merlot and Sirah that have adapted well to the area's warm, temperate climate. Respect for the area of origin is one of the characteristics in which the winery continually invests.     Its philosophy espouses a concept of cultivation in which nature does the work. The link with Apricena is also told through the names of the wines.     Petrata, for example, is vinified in red from the Nero di Troia grape variety or in white from Bombino and is the "Italianized" version of the dialect term for quarry. The red has powerful hints of blackberry, while the white is finer and fruitier. Selva della Rocca, vinified in red (Primitivo and Nero di Troia), rosé (Nero di Troia) and white (Falanghina) is named after the Santa Maria Selva della Rocca Sanctuary in Apricena, probably built between the 8th and 9th centuries by Benedictine monks, and all are fine wines with intense, fruity and floral aromas.     Not to be missed are the bubbles in Charmat and Merlot Classico versions, and completing the line is the Sico high catering version identified by a label depicting a medieval coin called "Sicone" from the Lombard period found in existing vineyards. Wines that symbolize gratitude and respect for this land and are inspired by it to offer the consumer all their goodness.    

Liquor factory

30 April 2021

Gargano Delizie

A wonderful village, known as the Pearl of Gargano, stands on a bluff overlooking the crystal clear sea, kissed by white sand and embraced by towering rocky cliffs.     We are in Peschici, and in this incredible landscape that smells of salt and Mediterranean vegetation, GARGANO DELIZIE® was born, an artisan distillery that shares the history of the territory through its products.      Started in 2002 by Michele and Patrizia Caputo, the couple immediately based their production on quality and craftsmanship, resulting in a series of unique creations. Crossing the threshold of the small laboratory, we are immediately attracted to the tanks containing delicious infusions and delighted by the contagious enthusiasm that Michele and Patrizia have for their work.     Production takes place in Ischitella (fg), a town a few kilometres from Peschici, but the salespoint is found in the historic city centre of Peschici (fg), in an area brimming with tasty shops full of local goodness. The Peschici shop also offers other local specialities and traditional gastronomy, such as jams, preserves, pâtés, and much more, offering a variety of products that fully reflects our culinary culture.   {IMAGE_0}{IMAGE_1}   Sharing all the unique characteristics of a territory, passing down its traditions and unearthing its cultural heritage, is a great undertaking. Each liqueur by Gargano Delizie (of which there are about forty) is born from a careful study of the local traditional recipes, but most importantly from the scrupulous search for raw materials that are processed according to the artisanal and homemade methods used by our ancestors. Michele and Patrizia tell us about their flagship product, the "Amaro della Suocera", a sweet elixir from 1900 also known as the “cherry of the grandmothers".     "Amaro della Suocera" is made with local Primitivo wine and black cherry juice, and it was their 90-year-old uncle who shared its ancient secrets with them. Patrizia also tells us about their "Amico", another greatly enjoyed liqueur dedicated to their customers to celebrate 18 years of production.     The idea came from a childhood memory of her grandfather dunking a slice of peach into his glass of wine. That's why "Amico" is made with Falanghina PGI wine and Gargano peaches, an elixir in which the goodness of the fruit is enhanced by the alcohol. In this family-run workshop, two other products must be mentioned: the "Lemolivo", a lemon liqueur made with local orange peels and olive leaves which infuse it with a green colour reminiscent olives, and the "Gargano's” artisan beer, developed from a recipe by Michele and Patrizia that includes, among other ingredients, peels from the Gargano bitter orange.     A product that symbolises the territory in its very label: a pearl resting in an oyster with a historical “trabucco” fishing machine, with citrus fruits crowning the beautiful Pearl of Gargano.